Monday, October 10, 2011

It's been a while....

Well it has been a while....a LONG while. I have done all the social networking (Myspace, Facebook, etc) and came to realize I just want to blogg.... So lets see how it will go !

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Well it has been a long time since I have really spent some time on myspace and did a blog. I seem to be on Facebook so much more these days. Well for the many of you that know me, know I love to do my updates and blogs. I have tried blog spot but it justed didn't work with me so I decided to come back to myspace and do my blogging.....

Wow I can'tseem to believe that 2009 is gone....well here it is 2009 in review....
It was definetley a great year with tons of highlights....
January was the kick off for all the fundraising for Paul and Na-Tausha for the All-Indian tournament. We had so much fun....Indian Taco sales, raffel tickets, Valentine baskets, Deermeat stew sales, bake sales, and so much more.....I really miss it. I enjoyed being in Hoopa, standing in front of Rays and seeing so many people who I haven't seen in a while...everyday was a busy day for me! I really do miss it....

Well in March the tournament came and the WON....Paul & Na-Tausha Donahue were the 48th Annual All-Indian Warrioe and Princess!!!!!

April was a lot of fun....we headed to LA for the All-Indian youth basketball tournament and we have so much fun every year playing at UCLA!

May was a great month.....we finally moved into our new home!

June was a busy month....Little Paul graduated from High School and we had a blast with all of our family and friends in town!

The summer was filled with lots of trips home to Hoopa for some great camping and fishing and great family time!
Well the summer came and gone so fast that school started and next thing you know the holidays are here and the year has come to an end...... It was a good year and I hope this new year 2010 we'll be just as blessed......
Happy New Year 2010 and farwell'll be missed!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Still new.....

Well I love to blogg and as the time and technology changes it is getting dificult keep up with facebook, myspace, twitter...and everything else. Well as many of you know I love to blogg....I usually posted my bloggs to myspace but then I really started using facebook and thanks to Denise (thank you) it will be much easier to post my blog spot address to FB and myspace.....So this is a trial run... Lets see how it goes......